September 25, 2023

August 15, 2024

Digital Video SOPs: The Gateway to Improved Productivity

Picture a precision engineer calibrating complex machinery with precision and accuracy. In manufacturing, standard operating procedures, or SOPs, function as the GPS, ensuring each process is calibrated for excellence. Just as GPS guides users with precise directions, SOPs guide manufacturers by detailing clear steps, measurements, and procedures. This ensures minimal errors in the production journey and continues to guide the destination to high-quality products.

A well-structured and robust standard operating procedure (SOP) management system is vital for success. SOPs are foundational, offering guidelines and instructions for various tasks and processes within the company. These procedures ensure consistency, quality, and safety across the organization.


Efficiency and effectiveness in SOPs directly impact a company's ability to achieve its goals and deliver excellent products and services. They streamline workflows, optimize operations, and cultivate accountability and accuracy.


SOPs function as essential gears, driving efficiency and accountability across all levels, from top management to hands-on roles in various settings. As unseen gears power a machine, SOPs propel an organization's cadence, ensuring streamlined workflows, optimized operations, and consistent quality. These standardized instructions minimize errors, enhancing products, services, and customer satisfaction. Their absence becomes evident when something falters, underscoring their role in the organization's smooth functioning.

SOPs also play a pivotal role in complying with industry regulations. In healthcare, pharmaceuticals, construction, and manufacturing sectors, SOPs ensure legal adherence, mitigate risks and safeguard employees and customers.



Relying on written SOPs can restrict an organization's growth and innovation. These physical documents are susceptible to the following:

  • Damage
  • Loss
  • Stagnation
  • Outdated information
  • Potential compliance issues

The absence of real-time updates and accessibility can cause:

  • Delays
  • Miscommunications
  • Poor productivity
  • Lack of collaboration and communication


Embracing digital SOPs, like DeepHow's cutting-edge platform, unlocks a world of possibilities. Organizations can optimize efficiency, collaboration, and compliance by shifting from paper-based SOPs to dynamic digital solutions.


Digital SOPs offer instant accessibility, quick and easy updates, and multimedia integration, empowering employees to excel while staying current with guidelines and procedures. It's time to break free from paper-based constraints and embark on a transformative journey with digital solutions like DeepHow, where success and efficiency merge.

Problems with Written SOPs

Written SOPs document and communicate procedural guidelines, requiring the production, distribution, and storage of physical copies, which could become outdated quickly with even the smallest process-related change. While on-the-job shadowing offers hands-on training, it lacks consistency and relies heavily on individual expertise. It also requires the time and accessibility of a subject-matter expert, which isn't scalable for any organization. How do you capture and share knowledge without cloning your best trainer?



The Disadvantages of Written SOPs


Lack of Accessibility and Portability:

  • Physical, written SOPs are susceptible to missing pages, damage and are often cumbersome to use in a factory setting.
  • Lack of accessibility hinders the ability to access procedures when needed.
  • Sharing and collaboration between departments become challenging due to the physical nature of written SOPs. 
  • Companies with multiple sites may struggle to maintain consistency between locations.


Fragility and Vulnerability of Written SOPs:

  • Paper documents are prone to damage, loss, or misplacement, putting important procedures at risk. The U.S. Small Business Administration estimates that 25% of businesses do not reopen after a major disaster. Many of these businesses have experienced a loss of critical paper documents, including SOPs, that could have provided preventative support. 
  • Incidents involving written SOPs, such as accidents, natural disasters, or theft, can permanently result in a loss of critical information.
  • These incidents can also result in legal and compliance issues, as the organization may struggle to provide evidence of following proper procedures.

High Costs of Reprinting:

  • Even the smallest process change could require reprinting entire manuals’ worth of SOP documentation. For small companies with limited documentation, this cost might be manageable. For larger companies with many sites, this cost could severely impact the bottom line, not to mention the risk incurred in the time it takes to reproduce and redistribute necessary materials. Shipping for heavy paper manuals sometimes costs as much as reprinting
  • Conducting retraining sessions for employees due to updates in printed versions poses challenges, notably in efficiently assigning and tracking the acquisition of new skills.

Difficulty in Maintaining Up-to-Date Information:

  • Manual updates and distribution of written SOPs can result in inconsistencies and outdated procedures.
  • Version control becomes challenging since tracking and managing revisions across multiple copies, teams, and sites is difficult.
  • Employees may unintentionally follow outdated procedures, leading to errors, inefficiencies, and potential safety risks, decreasing quality and increasing costs due to extra waste and reduced output.

Inefficiency in Searching and Navigating Through Procedures:

  • Manually searching through physical documents to find specific procedures is time-consuming and tedious.
  • The lack of cross-referencing and hyperlinking capabilities in written SOPs makes it challenging to navigate between related procedures.
  • This inefficiency can lead to delays, frustration, and increased chances of human error when employees struggle to locate the correct information.

Challenges of Job Shadowing:

  • While on-the-job shadowing grants hands-on training opportunities, it often lacks consistency due to the variability in the expertise and teaching styles of individual mentors.
  • Job shadowing can demand a considerable amount of time, both from the experienced employee guiding the process and from the learner who must be physically present during the training.

Learning Preferences Have Evolved:

  • In the age of social media, Millennial and Gen Z workers have grown to prefer short-form videos
  • Many visual learners find video content more engaging and appealing than traditional text-based training materials.
  • Video training offers the advantage of breaking complex concepts into shorter, easily digestible segments, aligning with modern workers' preference for bite-sized learning.

Solutions with Digital Video SOPs

With technological advancements and the need for greater efficiency, digital innovations have emerged as the practical solution. These advancements address the limitations of written SOPs and job shadowing by offering a standardized and efficient approach to managing and sharing procedural knowledge within organizations, with an ‘always-on’ approach.


The Advantages of Digital SOPs

Accessibility and Portability of Digital SOPs:

  • Digital SOPs can be accessed from anywhere, anytime, on multiple devices, providing flexibility and convenience.
  • Remote teams, field workers, and distributed operations benefit greatly from easy access to digital SOPs, enabling them to retrieve procedures instantly using a simple keyword search.

Real-time Updates for Improved Consistency:

  • Digital SOPs, such as video SOPs created with the innovative DeepHow platform, enable quick and easy updates and automatic distribution of procedures to all employees at every site or even limited to specific, relevant groups.
  • There is a significantly reduced risk of employees following outdated instructions, improving quality, and reducing downtime.

Enhanced Searchability and Navigation Features:

  • Digital SOP platforms offer powerful search capabilities, allowing employees to find relevant procedures quickly. No more digging through ancient, dusty filing cabinets or crammed binders. 

Integration of Multimedia Elements for Better Comprehension:

  • Digital SOPs, including the feature-rich DeepHow, facilitate the inclusion of multimedia elements such as images and attachments. Visual aids improve comprehension and knowledge retention, making complex procedures easier to understand and follow.

Security and Permanence of Digital SOPs:

  • Digital SOP platforms prioritize data security and provide measures to protect against unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyber threats.
  • Encryption, user access controls, regular backups, and system monitoring are implemented to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of digital SOPs.
  • Digital platforms offer more permanence and durability through secure storage and backup mechanisms.

Are You Ready to Join the Future of SOP Management?

Discover the power of instant accessibility, quick and easy updates, advanced search functionality, and multimedia integration. Adopting digital SOPs, such as DeepHow, offers many benefits for organizations seeking to streamline their operations, improve productivity, archive institutional knowledge, and ensure compliance. Unleash your team's potential, drive efficiency, and ensure compliance with DeepHow.


Are you ready to bridge the gap between outdated written SOPs and the dynamic future of digital management? You can learn more in our Workplace Readiness Guide, which is your roadmap to harnessing the full potential of your organization's operations.

Download Workplace Readiness Guide

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