August 19, 2024

August 20, 2024

Cybersecurity Training with DeepHow

Today, at a time when digital landscapes are as integral to business as physical spaces, the stakes of cybersecurity have never been higher. The digital transformation sweeping across industries has brought unprecedented convenience and connectivity, but it has also opened new doors for cyber threats. According to recent data, cybercrime costs are expected to reach $10.5 trillion annually by 2025, a figure that underscores the magnitude of the challenge facing organizations today. From sophisticated ransomware to cunning phishing and smishing (SMS phishing) schemes, the modern workplace is under constant siege by unseen adversaries. The question facing every organization is no longer if they will face a cyber attack, but when. Amid this looming reality, the role of employee training in cybersecurity is critical. 

The DeepHow platform offers a unique approach to addressing these challenges. By utilizing AI- powered multimodal SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) for learning, through DeepHow Maven, and continuous assessments, via Smart AI Quizzing, DeepHow helps to enhance the workforce's ability to recognize and respond to cyber threats. Through the integration of video, text, and interactive elements, the platform provides a comprehensive educational experience that prepares employees to serve as the first line of defense in a company's cybersecurity efforts. DeepHow's platform goes beyond traditional training, presenting a dynamic and effective way to tackle one of today's most urgent business issues.

The Growing Need for Cybersecurity Training

Cybersecurity is no longer just a concern for IT departments. The interconnected nature of today's work environment means that every employee, from entry-level staff to top executives, plays a role in maintaining security. Cyber attacks can have devastating financial and reputational consequences, impacting organizations across various sectors. Recent examples highlight the severity and scope of these threats and the need for greater phishing awareness and ransomware prevention:

  • MGM Resorts International: In September 2023, MGM Resorts fell victim to a ransomware and social engineering attack. The incident led to an estimated $80 million loss in revenue and $100 million in costs associated with restoring their systems. This breach not only disrupted operations but also highlighted vulnerabilities in even the most well-established enterprises.
  • International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC): A significant data breach in January 2022 compromised the personal information of over 515,000 individuals separated from their families. The breach exposed sensitive data, underscoring the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures to protect vulnerable populations.
  • Campbell Soup Company: In 2019, the iconic American food company experienced a cyber attack that disrupted its IT systems and impacted its supply chain operations. The attack highlighted the interconnected nature of modern manufacturing and the potential ripple effects of cybersecurity breaches on production and distribution networks.
  • Toyota: Toyota experienced multiple cyber attacks in 2022 and 2023, demonstrating the heightened risk large manufacturing organizations face. In 2022, a virus infected a file server, causing Toyota to shut down 14 factories in Japan for over 24 hours, resulting in a loss of approximately 13,000 vehicles in output. In December 2023, Toyota Financial Services in Germany dealt with a Medusa ransomware attack that exfiltrated data, demanding an $8 million ransom. Earlier in 2023, Toyota disclosed that two million customer records had been exposed for over a decade, highlighting persistent challenges in data security.

According to recent reports, human error is a leading cause of data breaches, often stemming from a lack of awareness about potential threats such as phishing and smishing. This highlights the need for effective training programs that go beyond basic knowledge to ensure that employees can recognize and respond to threats appropriately.

DeepHow's Multimodal SOPs: A New Approach to Training

DeepHow's platform stands out by offering multimodal SOPs, which combine video, text, and interactive elements to create a rich learning experience. This approach is particularly effective for cybersecurity training, where understanding both theoretical concepts and practical applications is crucial.

Imagine a scenario where an employee receives an email that appears to be from a known vendor, asking for an update on payment information. The email is well-crafted, with a familiar logo and tone. However, subtle red flags, such as a slightly altered domain name or an unexpected request for sensitive information, signal that this could be a phishing attempt.

Using DeepHow, this scenario can be turned into a multimodal SOP, or custom training video. The training module might begin by explaining what phishing is, how to identify it, and why it's dangerous. The video could be followed by a text-based explanation highlighting the specific red flags in the example email. Finally, an interactive component could ask the employee to identify potential threats through a built in quiz, reinforcing the learning experience.

Addressing Common Cyber Threats

DeepHow's multimodal approach is particularly useful for addressing a variety of cyber threats. For example, in addition to phishing, ransomware is a growing concern for many organizations. Ransomware attacks often begin with an innocent-looking file attachment or a malicious link, which, when opened, encrypts the victim's data until a ransom is paid.

To train employees on how to prevent ransomware attacks, manufacturers can use DeepHow to build a detailed video SOP that includes:

  • A Video Introduction: Explaining what ransomware is, how it spreads, and the impact it can have on an organization.
  • Step-by-Step Instructions: On how to recognize suspicious files or links, and what to do if an employee encounters one.
  • Interactive Scenarios: Allowing employees to practice identifying potential ransomware threats in a safe, controlled environment.

By engaging multiple senses and learning styles, multimodal SOPs ensure that employees retain crucial information and can apply it in real-world situations.

The Role of AI Quizzing in Cybersecurity Training

DeepHow's AI-driven Smart Quizzing feature adds another layer of effectiveness to cybersecurity training. AI quizzing can assess an employee's understanding of cybersecurity concepts, identify areas where they may need additional training, and track progress over time. This feature provides organizations with valuable insights into their workforce's collective ability to withstand cyber threats.

Industry-Agnostic Applications

One of the strengths of DeepHow's platform is its flexibility. The same core principles and training methods can be applied across various industries, from healthcare and finance to manufacturing and retail. Cyber threats do not discriminate based on industry; therefore, the need for robust cybersecurity training is universal.

A Financial Services Firm's Cybersecurity Journey

To illustrate the practical application of DeepHow's platform, consider the case of a financial services firm that recently implemented DeepHow's training modules to enhance its cybersecurity measures. This firm had experienced a series of phishing attacks, where employees inadvertently shared sensitive login credentials, leading to unauthorized access to their systems and potential financial data breaches.

Using DeepHow Maven and Smart AI Quizzing, the firm developed a comprehensive training program that included multimodal SOPs focused on identifying and preventing phishing attempts. The training modules featured:

  • Videos of Simulated Phishing Emails: These videos demonstrated real-world examples of phishing emails, helping employees recognize common red flags such as urgent language, suspicious links, and unfamiliar email addresses.
  • Detailed Explanations of Common Phishing Tactics: The content explained various phishing methods, including spear-phishing and clone phishing, educating employees on the evolving tactics used by cybercriminals.
  • Interactive Quizzes and Assessments: DeepHow’s AI Quizzing challenged employees to identify suspicious elements, reinforcing the learning process and highlighting key points.

After the training program was rolled out, the firm observed a significant decrease in successful phishing attempts. Employees reported feeling more confident in their ability to spot and respond to potential threats, and the company's IT team noted an improvement in the overall cybersecurity posture.

A Manufacturing Company's Cybersecurity Response

In the manufacturing sector, a U.S.-based food and beverage firm faced a ransomware attack that disrupted production lines and halted operations. The attackers encrypted critical data and demanded a substantial ransom for its release. This incident highlighted the need for enhanced cybersecurity training and awareness among the company's workforce.

To address these challenges, the manufacturer adopted DeepHow's platform to create tailored training programs focused on ransomware and other cyber threats. The training included:

  • Step-by-Step Video SOPs: These video SOPs guided employees through the process of identifying ransomware threats and implementing best practices for data security, such as regular backups and secure data handling procedures.
  • Role-Playing Scenarios: Employees participated in simulated incidents where they practiced responding to ransomware attacks, reinforcing the importance of swift and coordinated action.
  • AI-Driven Quizzes: These quizzes assessed employees' understanding of cybersecurity concepts and their ability to apply them in real-world scenarios, providing insights into the workforce's readiness to handle cyber threats.

As a result of this training initiative, the manufacturer improved its response to cyber incidents and reduced downtime in the event of future attacks. The company's proactive approach to cybersecurity training, facilitated by the DeepHow platform, demonstrated the value of comprehensive, multimodal learning in building a resilient workforce capable of withstanding modern cyber threats.

Continuous Improvement and Adaptation

Cybersecurity is a dynamic and rapidly evolving field, with new threats and vulnerabilities emerging regularly. As cybercriminals develop increasingly sophisticated attack methods, it is essential for organizations to ensure their training programs remain current and effective. This requires a continuous cycle of improvement and adaptation.

DeepHow's platform is designed with this adaptability in mind. It allows organizations to easily update their video SOPs and training modules in response to emerging threats or shifts in the cybersecurity landscape. This flexibility is crucial for several reasons:

  • Real-Time Updates: Organizations can quickly incorporate new threat intelligence and updates into their training materials, ensuring that employees are aware of the latest cybersecurity risks and defense strategies.
  • Ongoing Relevance: By regularly refreshing content, organizations can address new types of attacks, such as advanced phishing schemes or ransomware variants, keeping employees informed about evolving tactics used by cybercriminals.
  • Enhanced Learning: Continuous updates help reinforce best practices and lessons learned from recent incidents, enabling employees to stay vigilant and proactive in their cybersecurity training and efforts.

DeepHow's platform supports this ongoing adaptation by providing tools that simplify the process of revising and distributing updated training content. This ensures that employees are consistently equipped with the most current knowledge and skills needed to protect against cybersecurity threats effectively.

The Future of Cybersecurity Training

In today's tech-driven world, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. Organizations must invest in comprehensive training programs that go beyond traditional methods to effectively prepare their workforce for the threats they face. DeepHow's innovative use of multimodal SOPs and AI-driven quizzing offers a powerful solution, providing a rich and engaging learning experience that is adaptable to any industry.

By focusing on practical, real-world scenarios and providing personalized feedback, DeepHow ensures that employees are not only aware of cybersecurity risks but are also capable of mitigating them. As cyber threats continue to evolve, the role of effective training will only become more critical. DeepHow is on the front lines of this effort, helping organizations protect themselves in an increasingly digital world.

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